Welcome Geocachers!

I decided to start this blog to help new geocachers with some of the confusing aspects of geocaching and the website, geocaching.com.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Night Of The Living Dead

I recently had the pleasure of finding a cache in a cemetery that has a bit of film history. The location is Evans City Cemetery in Evan City, PA. This is the location for the opening of George Romero's 1968 classic "Night Of The Living Dead." I have always been scared of zombies, much more than other "monsters." Vampires, werewolves and mummies...ppssssshhh just stories. Zombies, however, could happen! 
The cache itself is pretty standard, it is a nice sized ammo can located in the nearby woods. I took the photos below to compare to some movie stills. It was cool to see some of the landmarks from the film, I would have liked to find the grave site where Barbara and Johnny placed the memorial for their father, but I didn't plan ahead enough to find that actual location. I enjoy visiting famous locations during my travels and I hope to run across more soon.
Link to the geocach page: THEY'RE COMING TO GET YOU, BARBARA!

The building in the background of the still above.
The headstone Barbara was clinging to as Johnny struggles with the zombie.

The entrance to the cemetery. The still above is the entrance from the opening of the movie.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Squaw Rock Earth Cache

A couple of weekends ago my youngest son and I went to the Chagrin River to find an Earth Cache. It was one of the coolest I have seen. The cache was a sculpture created by local, self taught artist Henry Church and was completed in 1885. Squaw Rock is carved from a very large block of sandstone and is said to depict Church's opinion of the treatment of American Indians in the United States. Squaw Rock is located on the SW side of the Chagrin River in the South Chagrin Reservation. A word of advice for anyone planning to find an Earth Cache:  Because there is no container to find or log to sign, you usually have to provide proof that you were there. Most owners of Earth Caches ask for at least a photo of you with your GPS with a landmark in the background. Very often, they will have a few questions for you to answer as well. I recommend first, reading the cache page carefully so you know what the logging requirements are and being prepared with a way to write down the answers to the questions and having a camera of some sort. Happy hunting! 
Geocaching.com link to Squaw Rock: http://coord.info/GC1KZTD